Britney Arceneaux
My name is Britney Arceneaux, and my husband Joshua and I own and run this little business called Flying Cow! I am a momma of 6 (3 boys and 3 girls) and have been married to the love of my Joshua life for the last 16 years.
Long story short, after 4 pregnancies I had painful cystic acne. I tried everything and finally came across tallow. The research I read said that animal oils do well with inflamed skin as the oils are almost exactly the same biologically as human oils👌🏻. I learned that tallow had an amazing vitamin combo like A, D, E, and K only found in animal oils could nourish and heal like nothing else. After a couple weeks I saw my face getting better. New breakouts were not popping up as much.
I started making my own recipe after I ran out of the jar I had originally tried. I fell in love with tallow as a moisturizer/healing balm even more once I had given my own recipe a go.
A year and a half later...as a way to help supplement income for the fam...I took $50 and invested in an Etsy shop. By word of mouth, Flying Cow began growing very quickly. Before and after pics were pouring in. Testimonies. Reviews. So many people struggling for so long...seeing such a difference in their skin! My hubby joined me 8 months later, and we have been working hard together ever since!
Here are some fun facts you might not know about me 🤗
🛸Most kids did lemonade stands. I had a purse stand! I put all my play purses on a Fisher Price table on the curb. Never actually sold one 😅 but I had a blast playing “store”
🛸My first job was cleaning houses at age 12
🛸I come from a long line of creative women. My mom was a seamstress and a painter & her mother was a dancer! My other grandma owned a stained glass shop in Midland,TX! My great grandma also did quilting and lamp design. 🧶
🛸I grew up in my mother’s childhood home in a tiny town called Weed, New Mexico 📍
🛸My grandma used to hide things when I would visit her house. I guess I enjoyed redecorating for her & grandma wasn’t a fan of all my rearranging!