Cambrie Holguin
Meet Cambrie! She is our longtime friend & Midland store associate. Cambrie has been with Flying Cow since the OG days back at Britney’s house, packaging orders in the dining room and getting tallow all over the kitchen. 📦
Here are some fun facts about Cambrie:
🌈Her hair has been basically every color of the rainbow at some point. Currently it’s pink!
😬She only has 24 teeth. Don’t worry, you can’t tell any are missing 😆
🐀The most unusual pet she ever owned was a rat, named Cootie (that she ended up being allergic to…)
🏆Her proudest accomplishment is winning a candy bar eating contest in elementary school 🍫
🦖The first meal she cooked for her now husband, was Dyno Nuggets served on fancy plates 🍽